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Why English?

Where you want to go to college is a tough choice, but choosing what you want to do for the rest of your life is something most people struggle with, especially me. Choosing St. Bonaventure was a relatively easy decision for me, but choosing my major took me over two years. I came into the school as a Physical Education major, because I love sports and I wanted to teach. But, I listened to people around me, and once I arrived on campus I changed my major to Business Undecided. Everyone said that business was the safe bet. I would easily get a job, and make a bunch of money.

I got all the way to my second semester of my sophomore year before I asked myself, “Is this what I want to do with my life?” I figured I’d just push through it. I declared a Marketing major shortly after that, because I felt like that was the only aspect of business I’d actually enjoy doing. So, my sophomore came to a close, and I figured I should try to get a marketing internship for the summer. I got an internship selling Mets and Yankees tickets around New York City, and man did I hate it. I walked around for 10 hours a day in the blazing heat for three weeks before I realized this is not what I wanted to do for the rest of my life, so I quit. I decided right then that I have to stop listening to other people and do what I want with my life.

I still wanted to teach, but I was already entering my junior year and wanted to graduate on time. I figured English has always fascinated me and was my best subject, so why not try to be an English teacher. I emailed Dr. Ellis that day, and asked him if there was anyway for me to switch even though I was entering my junior year. He said absolutely, and I haven’t looked back since then. I enjoy all my classes, and have fun going to them.

The biggest takeaway from my experience and what I would like to pass on to whom ever would like to listen is that you should follow your heart and do what you want to do. You may not get everything right on your first try, but as long as you are true to yourself everything will work out in the end. Do not listen to what others tell you, or what they think you should do. It took me over two years to come to this realization, but I am happy I did. I now enjoy going to classes and I don’t mind doing the work I have to do, because in the end I’m working towards what I want to do with my life.

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